Virtual Quilting

My sister-in-law Laura showed me the quilt pattern called “One Block Wonder”, and the one she was making out of an animal print fabric was really special. It’s “One Block” because you cut the fabric into a single size of block – an equilateral triangle. The “Wonder” part comes from how you hardly recognize the […]
What’s In You?

Here’s what happens when you get three 5 year old boys together. They figure out how it works pretty fast. At least there was no mess to clean up.
Soccer Practice

The other day, Heather showed me how her son Alex is coming along in his soccer practice. I’d say he’s getting to be pretty good!
Study: texture detail

You’ve heard that saying “I know it like the back of my hand”? I can’t relate. There are so many grooves and furrows and twists and turns that if I was a bug that had to cross that terrain, I would be lost for a long while. I think the texture and patterns are fascinating. […]
Stars In My Eyes

Can you grow older and still remain a kid? What do you lose as you gain height? Thanks to Amy Kelberlau, her kids, and her grandkids.
Look what the cat dragged in

You never know what those outdoor cats will pick up and bring home. But Skyler and Grandpa Steve can make it fun.
Art Chair

I think it is done: The Chair Art is such a many faceted endeavor. I enjoy it immensely while on the other hand it seems a huge, frivolous and totally unnecessary expenditure of time. The Chair is for sale, $1000.00. The sale of it, although creating a huge loss of something I have put my […]
Wonderville Revisited

My digital collage ‘Wonderville’ started with a sweet potato that sprouted before it could be cooked. We took pity on the thing and stuck it in the ground outside our back door. We were surprised to see it take off, cover the back entry and actually bloom dark purple flowers. It was VERY prolific. This […]
Divine Bait

Joy and I walk from our house along Ocean Drive often. Along the way we caught sight of this cross hanging from a fishing hook stuck into a post. It seemed strangely ironic. Thus, the name “Divine Bait”. I guess we took the bait and this picture got saved.
Hina’s Garden & King of the Hill

Joy helped as I rushed to meet the deadline for call for entries at The Art Center of Corpus Christi for their Independents show. This one is called ‘Hina’s Garden’. If you are interested Google ‘Hina’ and ‘Na Maka O Ka hai‘. She is an Hawaiian Goddess of coral and spiny creatures although she spends […]
The End of the Fish Tale

We had high hopes when we entered out Fish Tales piece in the exhibit at the Art Center in May. We really liked it, and it turned out that a lot of other people did too. We got over 10% of the total votes in the first few days. Then it sold, so no more […]
A Night at the Museum

Last night was the fund raiser at the Art Museum. Steve contributed two works of art for the silent auction portion of the event. One was Maya’s Return which was painted October 2007. The other was Anahita which we finished in early June. This one generated a lot of comments. Our walls look a little […]
Zinnia Gallery Opening: Symphony of Reflections on Water

Zinnia Gallery is very pleased to present the exciting photography of Valerie Thrasher. Valerie has captured truly magical beauty. And it is amazing that she concentrated her efforts on one small pool of water. This is a small sample of a much larger body of work. We hope to see more of her wonderfully sensual […]
Fishy Business

There’s a story in here somewhere… The Art Center has another little exhibit going on in May, and today is the receiving day. We’ve spent some time coming up with our “Fish Tales” entry. As you can see by the picture, it’s free-hanging on the wall. It measures about 2 feet wide and 16 inches […]
The Art of Magic, Amber Reclining

I went to an opening the other night T’were my eyes were betwinkled by a lovely sight I had to watch to see if a blink she would make Alas, t’was not my gaze would stir her to wake Not a flutter to be made nor a glance toward me Closely I watched but no […]