New Version Joy Set Up

San Juan del Sur

What more could I ask for? What I am is more than I could dream up! Just look at myself. Take a look around. None of it I can completely understand. But all this is what I am. All this is what it is. A beautiful living being. A beautiful planet full of other beautiful […]

Art Chair

I think it is done: The Chair Art is such a many faceted endeavor. I enjoy it immensely while on the other hand it seems a huge, frivolous and totally unnecessary expenditure of time. The Chair is for sale, $1000.00. The sale of it, although creating a huge loss of something I have put my […]

Staying Focused

I have quite a few thoughts to post. I am behind. For now, before I catch up, I will keep true to this blogs name, “Lyrical Life”. What would we do without the Moody Blues? Let this set of lyrics be a lead in to thoughts on keeping focused on your true life’s course, whatever that […]

A Few Words from August Moody

” If you find yourself alive, even if for a short time, live it up! And I don’t know of anyone who ever has more than a short time.” ” Remember that when you enjoy to mix in an equal portion of love, and visa versa. Don’t get too serious about one to forget the […]

August Moody Wisdom

These are a few quotes from the famous Zen Dreamer August Moody. They may become a regular feature. “For one to not be hypocritical in love one must love one’s self first.” “George, just quit. It would fit your image.” “The more you learn about hunger the more glad you are to be alive.” “Cars! […]