Ethnobotanical Gardens of Oaxaca

We were overwhelmed by this garden. At times we felt as if we could be on a different planet!

Several of the best known artists of Oaxaca helped to design this garden. It is large and takes about an hour (with guide) to wander through. We chose a spanish speaking guide because of our time schedule, so we can not completely explain the wonders that were conveyed to us about so many of these plants, a few of which are threatened species. The leaflet that they gave out was in English and quite clearly warned that it is illegal to collect wild species, and not to buy them unless the seller can certify that they were grown from seeds.

The Jarrilla tree had no leaves but takes in sunlight through its green bark.
This is a very old monastery and although set in the middle of town this garden appears, from within, to extend into the nearby mountains. It is truly a beautiful place to visit.

Inside the walls of the garden looking north

The Bacuelá (Agave guiengola) is endangered. I guess they make mezcal out of a different variety of agave.

The Biznaga (Echinocactus platyacanthus) is also endangered. It’s a giant fat rounded cactus that I had never seen. This one is about 500 years old.

Most plants here have thorns.
This tree is nicknamed ‘the marriage tree’.
It has fruit and flowers but they are well protected.

At the southwest corner looking east

All the paths were crushed bluegreen rock

The Palma Real (Dioon merolae) showing its stem base rings that each represent a year of growth. Almost 100.

Looking north down another path

Plumeria trees
Some you could easilly climb up into

Water runs through the garden in very artistic channels, pools, and fountains


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